A major part of my art process is light. Mast Mood capsule is one buy sildenafil viagra http://deeprootsmag.org/2013/06/28/of-secret-smiles-and-unfinished-symphonies/ of the main reasons for erectile dysfunction. In this condition, you may notice a scar tissue on the walls of the uterus) Endometriosis Common Causes For ED are Stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, Tobacco use, obesity, diabetes, high BP, relationship problems, blockage in penis, buy cialis http://deeprootsmag.org/2014/12/02/hark-ironies-beloved-carol/ lack of blood supply in penis, anxiety, etc. Prior naturopathy has been extensively buy viagra without rx deeprootsmag.org practiced around china being a type of answer to managing different conditions. Once your letters have purchase cialis online been mailed out the count down starts. Light Design, Light interventions, Lanterns, Art that lights up, and Lighting up other peoples Art (and lives, houses, nights, experiences). This page collects all of my light art related posts and works. Hope you enjoy.
Air Quality Health Indicator Lanterns
Did you notice the air recently? Have you looked up the weather on your device to see what Environment Canada’s testing sites have to say about how safe your air is? I write this a week after forest fire related air quality challenges hit Alberta in the worst way in years. I was checking every … Continue reading “Air Quality Health Indicator Lanterns”
Skate Path Lanterns
Skate Path Lanterns is a fun project I’ve been working on since 2016, when Edmonton Parks approached me to develop some work for their new Freezeway/IceWay alternative skating paths. They had some room to run ice trails through trees and around a park, so they wanted some artistic lighting in the darker areas. The first … Continue reading “Skate Path Lanterns”
Flying Canoe Volant 2023
2022-2023 was an exciting winter for me, a lot of events happening almost on top of each other. This edition of Flying Canoe Volant brought me to some new collaborations, and the realization of some long held dreams. The Airship was a big project, a collab with GABS, another local Edmonton light based artist allowed … Continue reading “Flying Canoe Volant 2023”
MoonDrops is a new lantern style that I was inspired to create sitting in the hottub at Jasper Park Lodge. I’d been invited out to look at setting an installation up for them. That project got bounced from covid related changes, but the artwork more importantly got made. It was an adventure in curved surface … Continue reading “MoonDrops”
Light The Night CurrieYYC
The neighborhood of Curry in Calgary AB is currently in transition from a Canadian Forces base to a new residential development. Canada Lands Corporation was celebrating a big milestone in reopening a greenspace that had been fenced off for a year for a re-naturalization process, and wanted to put together a light based winter event … Continue reading “Light The Night CurrieYYC”
Flying Canoe Volant 2017
2017 featured a lot of community art participation, I lead a workshop at Bonnie Doon Community League to make a series of “Church Steeple” lanterns (for the church steeples that the voyageurs were supposed to avoid running into on their canoe flight) out of cardboard and coloured tissue paper. These lanterns were featured on the … Continue reading “Flying Canoe Volant 2017”
Flying Canoë Volant 2016
Every first weekend of February, in my hometown of Edmonton, we have this amazing weekend festival in the woods of Mill Creek Ravine. This is one of my favourite places in the city, and it is such an honour to be trusted with lighting it up for tens of thousands of people to explore. This … Continue reading “Flying Canoë Volant 2016”
2016 Lantern Craft! Workshop and Parade
In March 2016, I was funded by Make Something Edmonton’s Winter Project Accelerator Grant to run a lantern craft workshop and parade. It allowed me to offer a free workshop with a fairly fancy set of materials, so I was quite excited about that. The Lantern project was based on twine, twigs (branches) tissue and … Continue reading “2016 Lantern Craft! Workshop and Parade”
U of A Alumni Association, Green and Glow winterfest 2015
Jan, 2015. The University of Alberta’s Alumni Association turns 100 this year, one hundred years after the first class graduated. I got a call to imagine something special for their Winter Event. This became one of the best University events I’ve been to, and we produced a genuinely magical moment. Had some deeper learning moments … Continue reading “U of A Alumni Association, Green and Glow winterfest 2015”
Flying Canoe Volant 2015
The Mill Creek Adventure this year was a major stretch for me. Scheduled for a week after my other biggest winter festival commission, I had to juggle 5 workshops, up to 10 workers, a whole class of artists, dozens of projects, and hundreds of details. Sometimes I felt like I was driving between sites for … Continue reading “Flying Canoe Volant 2015”
New lanterns!
New may be an exaggeration in this particular case, I’ve had this style for several years now. But I did do a recent run of new cuts and added some fresh LED options to the colour palette. You can find many of these on my ETSY store, which you can access from the menu above. … Continue reading “New lanterns!”
Winter Light 2012: Mill Creek Adventure Walk
January 27 and 28, 2012, myself and the rest of the Winter Light team launched an ambitious project; to do more with less at our now hopefully annual Mill Creek Adventure Walk. The story this year was seeded by Carol and Bill, and told the tale of an Eager Beaver’s attempt to build a Lodge … Continue reading “Winter Light 2012: Mill Creek Adventure Walk”
Mill Creek Adventure Walk Flys Again
Adventure Walk Flys Again February 1st and 2nd marks the 3rd Mill Creek Adventure Walk, and the first time this walk has been produced by La Cité Francophone. As you may or may not know, Winter Light, the previous producer has ceased operations in September, so myself and vast numbers of the public are grateful … Continue reading “Mill Creek Adventure Walk Flys Again”
RotoGoboScope : Light + Motion Sculpture
What is this RotoGoboScope? The lantern that won the People’s Choice Award at the IllumiNite event in Edmonton! The RotoGoboScope is an innovative lantern that combines colorful LED lights with rotating mechanisms to produce a fantastic moving light-scape of patterned dots. It features custom electronics that are built into refurbished coffee cans, which are mounted … Continue reading “RotoGoboScope : Light + Motion Sculpture”
Lanterns in the Snow
Walking With Lanterns last week some friends and i went for a walk in the local ravine. we brought some lanterns and a firepit on a wagon. all accounts concur that it was a great evening in the park. Some women complain about lack of sexual pleasure because their male partners last for just one … Continue reading “Lanterns in the Snow”
11:11:11 a flight of lanterns
dear ladies and gentleman of good intention: you are cordially invited to join parastra intergalactic for a nov 11 tradition. where ever you are, on 11:11:11 imagine walking meditatively with friends, family, and lanterns. and then do so, if you can! 2 to 25 people and some lanterns is all it takes to transform a … Continue reading “11:11:11 a flight of lanterns”
Winter Light Gala and 2012 season launch
I’m involved in a festival project in my home town of Edmonton, AB, that takes on the colder half of our year. It’s called Winter Light, cause we light up the long dark days of winter. At our latitude, we can have as little as 4 hours of daylight in December. Which is crazy. Especially … Continue reading “Winter Light Gala and 2012 season launch”
Astral Harvest Lantern Installation
A big part of my art is site specific lighting installations. I created a new set of cad + waterjet woodcut Lanterns and Light Towers for Astral Harvest. Fun times. Extending my scope of action is always a fun thing to do, even the painful learning curves (of Adobe Illustrator for example) become satisfying and … Continue reading “Astral Harvest Lantern Installation”
lantern workshops!
One of the things I get to do is help people make lights. Last October, my mother organized a lantern painting workshop for the St. Albert Garden Club (which she has been a member of since approximately forever). This was fun, as I remember one of my early art experiences going to a flower arrainging … Continue reading “lantern workshops!”
a collection of Winter Light pictures
I have been a lantern co-ordinator for Edmonton’s Winter Light celebrations for the last two years. It has given me the opportunity to do some fairly large scale work, and get outside and do fun stuff in the winter. When used according to the instructions, the medication proves to be extremely safe and lowest … Continue reading “a collection of Winter Light pictures”
Hi Dylan,
I have been talking with Matt Vest about creative battery-powered lighting for a skating trail in the river valley. I would love to connect with you to see about hiring you to help with this. It would be great if you could please give me a call at ——-.
This sounds super interesting Sue, I’ll definitely be in touch.
hello, my name is David Rauch, lead of BetaCityYEG, a civic tech meetup here in Edmonton. I really like the work you do and we have local entrepreneurs and techies present at the group each month. I was wondering if you could give me a quick email, and we could talk about having you present to inspire our other civic technologists in the city, thank you.
Hi David, your group looks super interesting, I’d love to attend!
(for everyone else -> betacity.ca )
Hi Dylan,
I was hoping to come over to view your lanterns this week. I think one would be a nice addition to our back yard and an awesome birthday gift for my wife on June 18th.
I was aware of your lanterns from EFMF and one of our friends who lives close to you has one in her back yard.
Do you have some already built or are these build to order?
Let me know if I could come over and view them as I live nearby…Bonnie Doon area.